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Author : admin-gm


Knowledge Q&A dd/mm/yy What is the difference between premium Payaayara HOM MALI rice and others?          Because of these 3 main reasons that push our rice to become the best brand among HOM MALI distributors.         The only one kind of rice must pass the rice grain purity test   […]

4 Factors determining the rice price that we should know!

Knowledge 4 Factors determining the rice price that we should know! March 25, 2020             On the subject of rice price factors, many people may want to know what criteria are used to determine the price of rice for sale to be suitable according to the situation and fulfill consumers […]

How to prove organic rice?

Knowledge How to prove organic rice? April 24, 2020             Because we go through natural processes in order to offer you clean, safe and chemical-free rice, that is why there are some rice enemies that we have to keep an eye on. Weevils, the enemies destroying the destruction, focusing on distracting the small ones but […]

Why do ants keep floating up rice?

Knowledge Why do ants keep floating up rice? April 20, 2020             Hence Phayaayara rice is too aromatic for ants to handle! Most customers’ reviews say that, it’s funny, isn’t it? What are the reasons, let’s figure out! 🌾 No chemicals            Because we do not use a moth remedy or any chemicals in the production […]